Modern HTML and CSS
With Grid, Subgrid, scroll-snap, modal dialog and more
With Grid, Subgrid, scroll-snap, modal dialog and more
How I rebuilt an old website in a modern way
Choosing a more appropriate framework for a website
A presentation about accessibility, held in the We are you front-end guild meeting
Part 1 of ‘Getting to WCAG 2.1 compliance’
Modern methodologies and features for a fast user experience
The journey to make websites the most accessible
Recording a song in times of corona crisis
My view on what's important on the job
Using attribute selectors as a way of visually changing the state
A transcript of my presentation at We are you
Not all browsers are created equal
WordPress? Grav? Contentful? NetlifyCMS? CraftCMS?
Effecten op tekst, zoals een verloop (gradient) of een afbeelding tonen in de letters
blokjes tekst hoeven niet altijd recht meer te zijn
How safe is your stuff?